Friends are . . . (and Barcodes drawing)
Friends are
Friends are mind readers quiet often they know what you are thinking before you even say it.
Friends are people who care for you and you know they will always be there to pick up pieces.
Friends are random strangers who once they get to know real you they don't run off.
Friends are people who you can joke around with and won't judge you.
Friends are awesome people.
Friends are people who make a huge difference on your life.
But most of all Friends are friends!
Friends are mind readers quiet often they know what you are thinking before you even say it.
Friends are people who care for you and you know they will always be there to pick up pieces.
Friends are random strangers who once they get to know real you they don't run off.
Friends are people who you can joke around with and won't judge you.
Friends are awesome people.
Friends are people who make a huge difference on your life.
But most of all Friends are friends!