Just for the sake of it
I thought I would so something just for the sake of it so when I saw this on one of the blogs I read I decided to do it.
Wishing Praying: That I will find the perfect job at the perfect time
Obsessing over: Pintrest, my new shelves (finally got some, so I was able to replace my desk) which my sis and I just finished putting together and filling, the film Pitch Perfect
Working on: Long Term: Getting my anxiety/panic attacks sorted and finding part time work. Short Term: heading to bed to read
Thinking about: How the friends who you see online on Facebook are selected (you know how it lists people online with people offline too, I always thought it was the people you chat and communicate to the most but I'm not so sure now). Yes its weird but thats just how my mind is at the moment.
Anticipating: The DVD release of Terra Nova (18 days to go!), the release of Pitch Perfect, getting my anxiety/panic attacks sorting, church camp
Listening to: a playlist on iTunes called 'Times' which has a mix of Glee, the Lemonade Mouth soundtrack and Britt Nicole, it has encouraging music on it.
Drinking:Diet Coke (caffiene free) and water