
This got me thinking God is my father too and if the same findings go for that the guy would need to have alot of values to live up to. Then I realised that the main value God has is love and it is something God calls of us to do love one another as God loves you. God has done everything in love, that is why he sent his son to die on the cross for us so we might have a chance to live because of love. I have heard some people that it is hard to love your husband/wife at times yet you do it because you have to not because you want to.
Sure at times it will be hard but if we truly want to have the same values God has and live the way God wants us to then we need to learn how to love unconditionally. Love is word that can often be used lightly in the english language people say things all the time: I love chocolate, I love this song, I love to dance when in reality we only like these things. The true meaning of love is what God did sending his son to die on the cross for us. Love is word that should not be used lightly.
I enjoy listening to Britt Nicole and her song Look Like Love is a great song and the lyrics suite this post perfectly.