Building up my confidence
Recently I wrote about my battle with low self confidence (you can read it here) and currently I am working to boost it. I have no doubt it will be a very long road to boost it and it won't happen overnight but I have to start somewhere!
- Wear bright lipstick - This gives me a confidence boost for some reason and when I wear it I feel like I can take on the world. I love physicians formula PH lip gloss as it creates a custom colour to your bodies PH and lasts for 14 hours (not kidding, I have to scrub it off when I wear it).
- Take the compliments - When someone compliments me I now repeat it to myself and will go back to it if my confidence is lagging. The other day someone told me my parking was improving and yes its not a big compliment but when my confidence has been lagging I have gone back to it.
- List the things you can do - Its so easy to focus on what I can't do so instead I focus on what I can do. I can make great thoughtful gifts for people, I can bake great caramel slice, I can drive etc. This helps so much and I am in the process of typing them up, laminating them and sticking them on a key ring as a flip book so I can go through the during the day when my confidence is really lacking.
- Sing along to an upbeat song - I am not the best driver and am also a new driver, like all new drivers I make lots of mistakes and have been getting honked at a bit this shakes me up majorly and I often find it hard to refocus after the incidents. After such incidents I will often sing along to an upbeat which helps my confidence grow.
- Eat chocolate or something else sweet - My blood sugar is prone to dropping as in my heart will start racing and I will feel light headed which are both signs of anxiety attacks. So sometimes eating something sweet will give me the boost I need. This doesn't work all the time but its always worth a shot.