10 Things That Have Made Me Smile This Past Week

After yesterday's depressing and honest post I thought I needed to do a post that proved to myself that the world isn't all that bad. I used to do 10 Things That Have Made Me Smile This Past Week posts when I was in year 12 and stopped them from some reason. These were the posts that so many people told me they loved so why I stopped them is beyond me so I figured I should restart them.
Here are 10 things that have made me smile this past week:
  1. Realising that in under 2 weeks I can start the journey of getting my license back! My fingers are itching to hold my keys and start my car, of course I have a long road ahead of me but I am looking forward to getting behind the wheel again.
  2. Finding a cute pair of PJ pants at bras n things on sale and in my size. I love my pair I got from them so to get another pair half price made me happy.
  3. Walking home from the bus in 39 degree heat and having a cold shower.
  4. Spending the past weekend down south with my family and enjoying listening to the sounds of the sea while drifting off to sleep.
  5. Finally buying a new hair dryer after realising each time I use my current one it never sounds quite right and there have been claims that there's smoke coming out of it.
  6. Finishing 2 books and feeling inspired after reading both of them.
  7. Starting the book of Job and realising that despite what Satan put him through he always trusted in God.
  8. Realising that there's a new episode of Saving Hope this week and looking forward to watching it.
  9. Eating ice cream for dinner as there was no food in the house and I didn't have the energy to walk to shops (I did also eat crackers and dip but it was mainly ice cream!).
  10. Coming home to Rikki waiting for me everyday this week and demanding cuddles and attention.
What were 10 things that made you smile this past week?


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