25 Pieces of Advice to My Younger Self
I turn 25 on Sunday I and it's hard to believe just how far I have come, whenever I am feeling discouraged or my anxiety is acting up and making me doubt every little thing I just need to remind myself of who I was before and how much I have survived despite all the odds being stacked against me. In honour of turning 25 I thought I would list 25 pieces of advice to my younger self and what I wish I could go back in time and tell her when she was at her darkest moments and just in general.
- Try and find something to be thankful for each day, it doesn't have to be a big thing but something that allows you to see the beauty in the world even on the darkest days.
- Find a makeup routine that makes you look like yourself and doesn't take forever to do.
- Wear sunscreen daily.
- Keep trusting in God, know that with him you will never hit rock bottom.
- Gardening can be therapeutic and sometimes an afternoon out in the sunshine gardening is just what you need.
- Keep being creative and always try to have an art or craft project on the go.
- It's ok every now and then to eat chocolate for a meal.
- Find places that bring you peace and allow you to think and reflect.
- It's ok to be sad and wallow in your feelings, just make sure you eventually pick yourself up again and move forward.
- Two steps forward one step back is still moving forward.
- Sign up to a gym, it will be awkward at times but once you start going you will notice positive changes in your life and it will be worth it.
- High school bullying will still affect you all these years later, just because you can't see the damage doesn't mean it's not there.
- Friendships change, some for the better some for worse. Appreciate people while they are around and it's ok to grieve the friendships that change and get lost.
- Embrace being labelled as clumsy, learn to laugh at yourself when you fall down.
- Don't be so reluctant to see a psychologist, once you find the right one it's not so bad.
- Challenge yourself but also know your limits. Try not to let anxiety completely rule your life and set goals that you can easily reach that will help you slowly challenge yourself.
- Say no to things more, don't get burnt out because it will do no one any favours.
- Quit feeling so guilty about things, thing's happen that aren't always in your control.
- Wear bright lipstick whenever you need a confidence boost.
- Speak up for yourself, start finding your voice.
- Find people who love you for you, don't change yourself to please anyone.
- Love your sisters, one day they will become your built in best friends.
- Go see movies alone.
- Journal, it doesn't have to be regular but learn to pour yourself onto paper and process things.
- know that no matter what happens God is always in control and even during the darkest moments he is there.