Two Weeks on From The Neurologist Appointment

It's been two weeks since I saw the neurologist and then cried in my doctor's office afterwards and just over a week on the new medication after having to switch due to the first medication reacting (which was a beta blocker I think?) with my asthma medication which meant I couldn't breathe. While this medication (which is an anti epileptic medication) allowed me to breathe it has caused some weird side affects which during the first week were really hard including affecting my taste buds, causing strange dreams, restless sleep, drowsiness and reducing my appetite (this one has come later). Though the side affects have reduced in intensity I can't see
them disappearing fully. While I am over the side affects I will say they have been good distractions at times from the dizziness, I just wish the crazy dreams and restless sleep side affects would disappear fully as I am struggling to cope at the moment due to lack of quality of sleep. The tablets are also super small and I am paranoid that I will loose a tablet once I take it out of the packet. At least the first lot of medication I was on was in a bottle and the tablets were bigger and also bright orange these ones are hard to get out of the pack, white and tiny (photo for reference - they are the size of the opal in my ring). 
I saw my doctor today and he wants me to stay on the medication for another two weeks and then we will re-evaluate. He also isn't sure whether I should see the neurologist on the 17th of September as his concerns is that the neurologist will take one look at me and if these meds haven't worked (and I've yet to see any difference on the medication) and say it's my anxiety which it isn't. I also mentioned how my psychologist is ready to yell at the neurologist and he said it would make no difference (I'm pretty sure he has considered it as well though!) as it appears that the neurologist has made up his mind that it's either Vestibular Migraines or anxiety neither of which make much sense to me or my doctor. I have read up on Vestibular Migraines so much and while I match some of symptoms (as I do with many of the vertigo/dizziness diagnoses) I don't match up fully. The big one being is that I don't get a break from the dizziness ever and with Vestibular Migraines they don't last for more than 72 hours so you would think that it would it would be ruled out. As with anxiety, my anxiety has never manifested in dizziness and both my psychologist and doctor back that up.
The other area of concern is that I can't go see another neurologist as the one I have seen is the one who specialises in dizziness, and any who I see will take one look at me and go why are you here go see the neurologist I had seen prior. 
I guess it's still a waiting game and praying that someone thinks of something else it could be or another treatment to try. As my doctor said last week on the phone just because the balance tests showed nothing doesn't means nothing is wrong, we're not going to give up until this dizziness is dealt with. 


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