Five Friday Favourites
What a strange two weeks! Last week we got put into lockdown for 4 days which was unexpected but it did mean I got a lot of work done, of course it also meant that everyone was home so I had all the distractions as well. Then we had 3 days with semi lockdown restrictions and we have to wear masks until Monday whenever we are out and about. I really don't like wearing masks as my glasses fog up and also this may sound trivial but I can't wear lipstick which is something that makes me feel put together (I did wear it during a video work meeting on Tuesday though!). I am thankful that it's only for a couple of weeks in total and not long term.
I'm slowly getting into a work routine and I try to be at my laptop by 9.00am ready to do some kind of work everyday whether that is research or starting an article or something else (meeting, policy writing etc.). I'm sure it will be different as the 'Ask Erin' picks up but for now I am focusing on writing a lot of articles so I have a good amount stored up ready to go. The articles get posted on Tuesdays and Fridays but I need to get them checked/in on Mondays and Thursdays at the latest. I honestly never in a million years thought I would be getting paid for my writing and I love the feeling that my writing is having an impact on people and getting them to think about mental health. So far my favourite article I have written is this one and I think it's because it stemmed out of a conversation I had with [redacted] about how I couldn't hate Covid as much as I wanted to because good things have stemmed from it and he was like there's an article there polish it up and let's publish it.
I often pinch myself as I can't believe that after all this job rejection and heartache I have the perfect job and it didn't require applying or interviewing for it. A few weeks ago when I had gotten yet another rejection I remember thinking to myself I'm done applying for jobs, God needs to throw one at me and he did. While it's not fully paid and I am still looking for something to tide me over until it does, I feel so fortunate to have it.
Last year some of you may remember that I got so close to getting a job doing advocacy work, they even called my referees. But it came down to me and another person and I just missed out, I was gutted to say the least. Well this exact position came up earlier this week wanting the exact same information down to the selection criteria and I thought why not just reapply and see what happens (I sent through the exact same application with a few minor tweaks). Well on Monday at 10.00am I have a job interview with them again. I feel like this is the least worried about having a job interview, I know exactly where it is, what to expect and having already been rejected once I have nothing to loose.
At this stage I don't see it likely that I will get to Sydney for at least a month as there needs to be two weeks of zero transmission before our boarders open up. I am half joking that I may end up over there around my Birthday (mid September) but who knows. It is definitely a priority to get over there at some point this year though.
I see the neurologist in 2.5 weeks which is crazy! I don't really have any hopes regarding the appointment because honestly its been close to two years of dizziness and we've found nothing. I have found the dizziness is worse in the mornings at the moment, but I am wondering if that's just because I'm more focussed on it. Once I start work then I don't notice it as much though it's still there just buzzing in the background.
This weekend I am going to a country town with a friend to explore which will be fun and then on Sunday I have church followed by soup and scrabble and then at night we have a young adults dinner. It's a full on weekend but I am looking forward to it.
Onto Friday Favourites...
Sheet-Pan Gnocchi - whenever we are in lockdown I find actually cooking lunch separates the day for me. So I made this for lunch last Wednesday and it was SO good. Super easy to put together and tasted amazing. I then made it on Tuesday for dinner and served it with sausages and it was just as good. This will be added into the meal rotation for sure.
Fairybread earrings from Kate Sale - unfortunately this website is closed until August but you can buythem here. I only wear sterling silver earrings (I can wear white gold and gold but they are above my price range) as anything else causes a reaction. I saw these earrings on Instagram and just loved them, plus at the time there was a 30% off sale going as well so I couldn't resist.
1960s West German glass bird of peace earrings - these earrings popped up on my Instagram feed and I loved them but I couldn't justify them, but last week I decided that I should go ahead and treat myself. I figured I had started a new job and I love the idea of buying a nice piece of jewellery to commemorate it. I love the bird in the glass especially as Erin actually means peace (though I am not peaceful!). They are so unique and gorgeous and I love how they catch the light and change colours.
Hamilton Pop! Vinyls - when my Hamilton trip got cancelled I decided to order these because I figured if I couldn't see it in person I could always recreate at home haha. I also ordered myself and my 2 friends who were meant to be going on the trip with me an Alexander Hamilton keyring. I've only gotten 5 of the 7 figures so far (all except for Burr and Peggy) but they are so detailed and
Chicken Soup - it is definitely soup weather here with rain since last Sunday and going until this coming Wednesday. I made this recipe up one night when I couldn't make what I had planned for dinner and it turned out so good. I honestly think caramelising the veggies makes a huge difference, along with letting it simmer for over an hour.