Five Friday Favourites

Another week is over! This week has been extremely busy with 4 of the 5 days this week having had some sort of appointment on them. This weekend isn't quiet either as we have my uncle's 60th followed by church and then on Sunday I am going to a friends house for Australia Day.
Next week is thankfully looking quiet though, except for Tuesday which is when I have a job interview in the afternoon and I need to drop off the Holter Monitor in the morning at 8.00am (dreading the peak hour traffic and having to drive north of the river, but it's where I needed to go in order to get the results in time for my next doctors appointment).
I've been applying for quite a few jobs recently which is great (I am hoping the applications translate into interviews) and it makes me feel somewhat productive when my fatigue and dizzy spells are bad and I end up sitting on the couch with my laptop. I was thrilled to get a phone call yesterday regarding an interview on Tuesday and it seems like things are starting to look up in the job search department.

I did a blog post last week on what is going on with me health wise and all that fun stuff and I am
currently wearing a Holter Monitor for the next 24 hours (which I guess makes me one part closer to being bionic?). You have to wear 5 sensors attached to a monitor and it measures your heart rate, it gives a reading over 24 hours (or however long you need to wear it for) on how your heart is going. There's a button on it that I can press to record an 'event' and the mark it down on a diary which to be honest isn't going super well as if I had to do that I would've filled out the diary already so I am just doing it when my heart is racing or the dizzy spells are really intense. It records continuously for the 24 hours anyway so it's not a major issue if I forget to mark all the events.
I had an echocardiogram on Monday morning which is a detailed ultrasound of the heart and takes around 40-45 minutes and it involves a lot of poking and lying in weird positions. It wasn't too bad but saying that any test that doesn't require finding a vein I can handle at the moment haha! I see my doctor on the 4th of February and  I am hoping that there is something going on with my heart because I am over not knowing and I just want answers.

Onto Friday Favourites:
1917 - I am not a war movie person at all, but this movie was so good and I would totally watch it again.  I saw it with a friend and we were both left speechless with how good it was. It doesn't have much blood and gore in it, so its not an in your face war type film. The storyline is really good and they've shot it in such a way that it looks continuous so it's well worth seeing it on the big screen.

Tarte Winter Wonderglam eye palette - I was able to purchase this for half price (and free shipping) in the after Christmas sales and it's a really nice palette. The shadows are all great quality and the colours are really versatile (though the bulk of them are shimmery/pearl), the glitter shadows have great staying power as well which can be an issue as they can sometimes end up all over your face at the end of the day. I wasn't to sure how well the brush would be but it's a great double ended brush and is a great addition to the kit. If you need a new eyeshadow palette then it's worth checking out and grabbing it while it's available.

Nurses (TV show) - another medical drama I have gotten hooked on, this a Canadian show as well so no surprise that I am really enjoying it (I am a big fan of Canadian TV). Unlike the bulk of medical dramas where they focus on the doctors this one focuses on the new intake of nurses and how they are coping with finding their footing in the hospital. At the start of the first episode they allocated an organ to each nurse and explained why the organ is important in the body and the impact it has and I thought it was a clever touch. I am really enjoying the episodes so far and looking forward to seeing where it goes.

Sprite - not a new thing but the one of the only things that makes me feel a bit better when I am out and about and the dizzy spells and fatigue are really bad and I need to push through it. I try to get Sprite Zero if I can but if it's not available, I just grab the normal Sprite and it makes me a feel a bit more normal.

Kikki K Canvas Tote Bag Cats - I am really loving Kikki K's new range and I couldn't resist the canvas tote bag in the range. I find their canvas bags to be great quality and really useful for carrying everything, I probably use one everyday and they can hold so much despite not looking like it.


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