Another lot of normal results

Another day another doctors appointment and honestly I am over it all. The MRI came back normal which is great (my brain is normal, I'm not dying from cancer or something similar!) but some part of me wished it showed something so I could have concrete answers as to why this dizziness isn't letting up. The one thing the MRI showed was that my right sinus was inflamed and there's a slight chance that that can cause vertigo so I am on antibiotics for the next ten days, with a follow up appointment in two weeks.
I asked my doctor whether I should I keep this follow up physio appointment in two weeks time and he said he didn't see the point as he felt it should be a one and done thing with this physio and I don't have money to spare. The other thing is that if it was migraines the dizziness should've at least started to reduce on this diet. While I want to go off this diet, I am feeling desperate and I feel like if there's some small chance it will help then it's worth staying on it at least until we find another solution. Also its only be a week off chocolate so for all we know that could be a trigger and then it's as easy as staying off chocolate or knowing that when I do eat it I will have consequences to deal with.

On the drive home from my doctor's appointment the tears started to fall and I let them, I have been through so much. So many medical tests had and money spent to attempt to find an answer which I still don't have. There's no more medical tests to have and it's now a process of elimination, if the antibiotics don't work then we try an anti-inflammatory and so on. I'm trying to stay positive that a solution will be found, but at what point do I just accept that being dizzy is my new normal?
For now I am continuing to take it one day at a time and praying that I find a solution soon.


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