A day in the life with dizziness

My life is currently very low key due to dizziness but I thought it would be interesting to see what a normal day looks like for me. I can never predict how severe the dizziness will be or what the side affects will be but the following is what a usual day will be: 

3.00am-4.00am - wake up once or twice due to dizziness, reposition myself and try to go back to sleep. If not read some articles on my phone and reattempt getting back to sleep after 10-15 minutes. 

6.00am-7.00am - wake up for real, depending on how many times I have woken up and for how long will depend on when I wake up. 7.00am is the latest I will stay asleep for and on weekends I may sleep in until 8.00am but that's rare. 

7.00am-7.30am - by this point in time nausea and/or tension headaches will have hit. I get dressed and force myself to eat breakfast which is one or two eggs and if I'm experiencing a headache I take Panadol as if I don't I find it lingers all day and only gets worse. 

8.00am - 4.00pm - during the day it varies with what I do. If my dizziness is bad I will limit my activities and spend a day at home, if its bearable I will run errands or be productive. Currently this is what I do during the week:
Monday - run errands, get fuel and go to the gym for 40 minutes. I also have an employment agency meeting every other Monday afternoon, which has been happening over the phone.
Tuesday - I see my psych once a month on a Tuesday. I use this day to catch up with friends, vacuum the house and I also cook dinner. 
Wednesday - this is my baking day, I go to the gym for 40 minutes and I have bible study on at night. I try to keep this day quiet so I can save my energy and attend bible study. 
Thursday - I see my doctor on this day every other week and apart from that I relax. 
Friday - this is my retail therapy day and I browse a shopping centre and grab lunch. 
Weekend - I normally try to do something with the family on Saturday and then I have church at night and on Sunday I crash and recharge for the week ahead.

4.00pm - by this point in the day I have crashed and am a zombie. If I haven't gotten around to doing something it's not going to get done. 

8.30pm-9.00pm - unless it's a Saturday night and I am doing games or Wednesday night bible study, I am in bed reading random articles or a book. I fall asleep sometime between 9.30pm and 10.00pm. 

Of course the above is subject to change with medical test and specialist appointments and they take priority over anything else. I also try to take some time to look for jobs a few times a week, this isn't a pressing issue as I have no idea what I can do for work until this dizziness is at least diagnosed. But this is what a typical day looks like for me and it's all about managing my energy and prioritising what's important for me to do.


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