Five Friday Favourites

I feel like things have been getting busier especially last week and I've enjoyed the distractions, especially as it means I'm not focused on my dizziness all the time (it's just there in the background).
Last week my parents went away so Megan and I got up to some adventures including visiting the aquarium with my friend and then grabbing lunch on the board walk. 
I also got my eyes retested they say you should get your eyes tested every 2 years and I got them tested last June, but with my dizziness I felt I should get my eyes tested again just to be on the safe side. My eyes haven't changed at all which is comforting to know that they aren't contributing to the dizziness. I am getting a prism put in my lenses so my eyes can work together better, as my health insurance covers a new pair of glasses every year so it made sense to get another pair. I had actually done a virtual try on of some glasses and I ended up getting the first pair I tried on online and in person. I should get them in 2 weeks as it takes longer for the lenses to be made up due having a prism in them. 

Thankfully this week has been quieter, with only dealing with balance tests and seeing my cousin and her new baby for the first time which was nice (he is the cutest baby!).  

Next week is back to be filled with appointments with my monthly psych appointment next Tuesday and not just my usual doctor's appointment next Thursday but also a neurologist appointment. I have stopped being hopeful that this dizziness can be cured with a medication or with a straightforward cure, so bring on the neurologist appointment. 

Onto Friday Favourites... 

Coles Cold and Flu, Day and Night tablets - last Sunday I started to feel like I was getting a cold and it was the last thing I needed on top of my dizziness. So I raced down to Coles and tried to find something that would reduce the strength of the cold and wasn't going to just cover the symptoms and I came across these tablets. Growing up my mum swore by Echinacea and these contain it along with garlic oil (I have been known to swallow whole peeled bruised cloves of garlic to deal with swore throats and while it does work I am over having garlic breath) and other vitamins. I have no idea whether it was just a mild cold as it only lasted a few days but it wasn't super severe and I found myself being able to function, plus I never got a cough which is rare for me being an asthmatic. I will be using these tablets again and for the price ($10) they are worth a shot. 

Swisse Ultiboost Daily Immune Support - because I can't handle being sick at the moment, I also bought these when I grabbed the cold and flu tablets. I have no idea how well they work but I figure it's only an additional tablet a day and they can't do any harm. They seem to have good reviews online though and you only need to take one tablet a day which is decent compared to other brands which have you taking multiple tablets a day. I figure I will use these until they run out and by then it should be close to the end of Winter just before allergy season starts. 

I Still Believe DVD - I saw this movie just before cinemas closed here and I really liked it. I decided to get it on DVD because it's a great film with good themes and it would be great for a girls movie night (which we're actually doing as a young adults girls social at church in a few weeks). It's based on a true story and it's a beautiful story that I highly recommend watching. In terms of Christian themes I would describe it similar to the film Soul Surfer, the themes are there but not in your face and I could see non Christians enjoying it as well. 

Hamilton (Disney Plus) - I have no idea on the origins of America so I was unsure if I would enjoy Hamilton but I figured there was no harm in watching it. It lived up to the hype and it was a great musical, with Lin Manuel Miranda being amazing along with the rest of the cast. I will say with it going for over 2.5 hours, I did zone out during my first watch through but then I watched it a second time with my mum over a few nights which was just as amazing as when I first saw it. My tips are to watch with the subtitles on and also to read at least one article on Alexander Hamilton so you actually know his character and backstory. If you haven't yet watched it then you are missing out if only for the soundtrack (which I've since downloaded) and cast chemistry. Also the video below is so good and just a taste of what it's like.

A day in the life with dizziness - I have finally gotten round to writing a post about what a day in life living with dizziness is like and how it affects me. It's very broad in parts because it all depends on the day and adjusting what I am doing. For example this past week my dizziness has been really bad so I've had to reduce what I do and take it one day at a time but the week before my dizziness wasn't as bad so I could push myself a bit. 


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